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How You Can Reduce the Risk of Gum Disease

Gum disease happens when plaque starts to build up under and along your gum line. Plaque contains bacteria and causes an infection that can hurt the gum and bone. In the early stage of infection, it causes Gingivitis, which is reversible with dental treatments.

Gum disease happens when plaque starts to build up under and along your gum line. Plaque contains bacteria and causes an infection that can hurt the gum and bone. In the early stage of infection, it causes Gingivitis, which is reversible with dental treatments.

However, if left untreated, it could cause periodontitis, which is an advanced form of gum disease. This condition can ruin the gums, bones, and tissues that are connected to your teeth. Hence, you must take the necessary precautions to ensure your gums are not at risk of gum disease. Here are some tips:

  • Get Regular Dental Cleanings.

    With preventive care services from your dentist in Millington, Tennessee, they can detect early signs of gum disease and give you advice on how to prevent it. Professional cleaning also helps get rid of tartar and plaque that you missed from brushing and flossing.

  • Brush Your Teeth at Least Twice a Day.

    Make sure to brush your teeth after every meal. It will help remove the food and plaque that is stuck between your teeth and gums. Brush your tongue too as it may harbor bacteria.

  • If You’re a Smoker, Quit Smoking.

    Smoking has been strongly linked with the onset of gum disease. When you smoke, it weakens your immune system, which makes it harder to fight off infection. Not only that, but smoking also makes it difficult for your gums to heal once they’ve been damaged.

Do you want to know more about how you can prevent gum diseases? Schedule an appointment at Comprehensive family dentistry today.

We offer a wide range of dental care, including preventive care, periodontal treatments, and cosmetic dentistry in Tennessee.

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